Fasting & Rejuvenation
By Alec Burton, M.Sc.,D.O.Hons(Lond),D.C.(UK) Rejuvenate means to restore to youth, to make young or fresh again, to become young again, to acquire renewed vitality, the renewal of youth, physical, mental and spiritual. The hygienist uses the term, “rejuvenation” to describe the partial restoration of youthfulness to the tissues and organs of the body that may.. read more →
What is a Principle?
Probably the most common use, the sense in which the word “principle” is most familiar, is related to moral principles. We think of a principle as a rule of action, a standard by which to measure or judge things. There is a certain generality about principles. Principles will often underlie actions and relate to the.. read more →
The law of Life
In science and especially biology, the laws of nature are not legislative enactments. Natural events do not take place in obedience to natural laws. Natural laws as we call them govern nothing. They are uniformities that have been observed – uniformities of nature, and they are classified according to universal formulae, mathematical formulae. For instance.. read more →
The law of the Minimum
Justus von Liebig was born May 12th 1803 and died April 18th 1873 in Munich. He was a famous chemist identified with the early development of Biochemistry, although he was concerned very much in the development of organic, biological and agricultural chemistry as well as making significant contributions to chemical education. Von Liebig’s scientific career.. read more →
Orthopathy is derived from the Greek, “Orthos”, meaning erect, regular, right, correct and “Pathos”, meaning affliction or suffering. The term means right or correct suffering and it is intended to convey the idea that when one is sick the process is governed and regulated by the laws of biology or physiology just as much as.. read more →
The Nature of Disease
Hygienists have long developed the idea that disease is a process not a condition, it is an action, not a state. I would like to elaborate on this point. In Volume 6 of “The Hygienic System” Dr. Herbert M. Shelton coined the term “biogony” which is derived from two Greek roots, bios, meaning life and.. read more →
Mythconceptions About Science
Alec Burton,M.Sc.,D.C.,D.O.Hons(Lond) “Science is Physics, all the rest is stamp collecting.” Ernest Rutherford, 1871 – 1937 Science is highly regarded in modern society and it is the common belief that there is something extraordinary and special about the enterprise. It is believed to be a source of objective and reliable knowledge that is constantly expanding… read more →
Dr. Isaac Jennings
Hygiene, as we understand it, is generally considered to have begun with Dr Isaac Jennings. Although the beginnings of any movement are difficult to discern Hygienists usually view this unusual doctor as the first to make a radical break with the conventional medical system. Dr. Isaac Jennings was born in Fairfield, Conneticut on November, 17th,.. read more →
Infection and Disease
Over the centuries epidemics of various kinds have decimated populations. A particular epidemic of which there is substantial historical record was the 1918, 1919 influenza-pneumonia pandemic that affected North America. It has been estimated that 20 million people suffered from the illness in the United States and 850,000 died. On a world scale it has.. read more →
By Alec Burton, M.Sc.,D.C.,D.O. The famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, developed a system of logic that encompassed the Laws of Identity. These laws state – A is A, a thing is itself, it is what it is. A thing cannot be itself and something else at the same time and in the same respect. A thing.. read more →