Fasting And Resting
Arcadia Health Centre is a leading Clinic for fasting supervision. One of the procedures we employ is supervised fast. Fasting is the total voluntary abstinence from all food except water while the nutritional reserves remain adequate to sustain normal function Taking juices is dieting, not fasting.
Rational Health Care System
Our first objective in trying to improve, maintain and restore health is to remove, as far as practicable, the known causes of ill health and disease. Call Us on: 02 9653 1115
Food And Nutrition
Since 1961, a major priority at the Centre is to provide the very highest quality fresh food available, with an important emphasis on evidence based vegan plant nutrition where possible, depending on the individuals rmtritional needs
Recovery Of Health
The recovery of health primarily requires the elirniuation of causes. Healing is a biological pmcess. This means that healing is something your body does for itself.
Facility And Accommodation
The Centre was architecturally designed and built for its current purposes, preserving, as far as practicable, the surmunding natural environment and space.
The Centre is a unique and leading Clinic in the world for fasting supervision. It was founded in Sydney by Dr. Alec Burton in 1961, and was later joined by Dr Nejla Burton and has been in continuous operation since 1961. It is recognized by the International Association of Hygienic Physicians, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. and has served as a teaching and training Institution for a number of doctors such as M.D.’s, D.O.’s, D.C.’s, etc.
The recovery of health demands both skilful care and a protective, conducive environment. The care at the Centre is supervised by professionals specifically trained in lifestyle, fasting and rational health care. The practitioners are all licensed and are members of the International Association of Hygienic Physician, made up of licensed primary care physicians.
The emphasis is health oriented rather than disease oriented; that is, the focus is on health care and the removal of the causes of disease, rather than the vigorous and active treatment of disease which often involves the use of procedures in themselves harmful to health.
The doctors live onsite at the Centre. This facilitates an ongoing collaborative relationship between the practitioner and the patient for the best health outcome.
Over the past 50 years thousands of people from the 5 continents, who have been sick and tired of being tired and sick, have experienced the care available at the Centre.
A New Book on Fasting & Lifestyle Care has been published
The current book is purely empirical. It contains a historical summary of more than six decades of clinical experience of the first two authors, as well as advice on how to handle certain clinical problems within the context of a lifestyle clinic with focus on water-only fasting.
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